Anyone for Bingo? Why Two F** Ladies are no Longer Eighty-Eight in the Kingdom of God 

By Rev'd Alison Riley, Network Youth Church Minister, Calder ‘Two f** ladies’ announced the bingo caller, ‘Eighty-eight’ was the chorused response as eyes scanned bingo books and dibbers dibbed, but [...]

Going with the energy

New challenges constantly arise and for many the way technology has developed has impacted how they view events and commitments. About 15 years ago we noted that, in youth ministry, [...]

Digital Sunday

God for All Digital Sunday is taking place on 25 June. Churches all around Cumbria have been encouraged to take part, by pausing their usual teaching and taking some time [...]

Let’s Faithfully Improvise!

Let’s faithfully improvise! Welcome to the God for All strategy blogs. Over the coming months, we’ll regularly be posting updates, information, and resources to help churches and Mission Communities as [...]

Tender Hope

As the New Year turned this year I found friends and contacts on my socials searching for a word for the year. Tempting as it was to choose Restoration for [...]